130th (St John) Field Ambulance – Official photographs

The following 6 photographs of the 130th (St John) Field Ambulance were kindly sent to me by Pamela Willis of the Museum of the Order of St John in London. They were taken in mid to late April 1915 while the unit was in training in North Wales. Note that the men appear to be wearing the square belt buckle of the St John Ambulance Association.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance Officers and Sargeants
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – Officers and Sergeants

130th (St John) Field Ambulance Officers and Sergeants

The only photograph in which the names of any of the Officers and men are identified is the first photograph depicting the Officers and Sergeants. Front left to right seated in the front row are Lt P. S. Thompson (Q.M.) (second on the left), next Maj W. Bickerton Edwards, Lt Col J. E. H. Davies, Capt A. W. Anderson and Sgt Maj W. Stroud (third from the right). The dog was named Ginger! We have also been able to identify a number of the other NCO’s in the photograph. Sitting to Sgt Maj W Stround’s left is Sgt Evan Thomas Owen from Bedlinog who didn’t go to France with the Unit as he was commissioned into the Lincolnshire Regiment on the 1st January 1916. Standing, second from the left is 48135 Sgt Clifford Jarman and standing, third from the right is 48070 QM Sgt George Henry Osbourne who did not go to France with the Unit. We know from the diary of 48128 Sgt Francis B Sumption that neither he or 48064 Sgt Lawrence W Williams are in the photograph. Sumption was away at Rhyl acting as a dispenser for the infantry units there and Williams was on leave in Cardiff during which he became engaged. If you are able to identify any of the other men in any of these photographs, I would be delighted to hear from you.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance Officers and NCOs
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – Officers and NCOs

About 70 of the men do not appear to have cap badges and I suspect that many of these are newer recruits. Each Field Ambulance had about 45 A.S.C. men attached as drivers, cooks etc but most of these attached men did not join the Unit until later in the year.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance A section
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – A section

130th (St John) Field Ambulance B section
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – B section
130th (St John) Field Ambulance C section
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – C section
130th (St John) Field Ambulance D section
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – D section

The 130th (St John) Field Ambulance Football Team 1917-18 season – by kind permission of Eleanor – Granddaughter of 48192 Sgt Ernest Sweeting M.M.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance football team 1917-18
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – football team 1917-18

Seated wearing military uniform (are from left to right), 48579 A/Sgt Maj Griffith Davies, the OC, Lt Col J.E.H. Davies, then possibly Maj Carter and on the far right, 48192 Sgt Ernest Sweeting M.M.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance tug of war team
130th (St John) Field Ambulance tug of war team

The 130th (St John) Field Ambulance Rugby Squad 1918-19 season – reproduced here by kind permission of The Hospitaller’s Club of Wales

130th Fld Amb Rugby squad 1918-19
130th (St John) Field Ambulance – Rugby squad 1918-19

130th (St John) Field Ambulance – Rugby Team 1917-1918 season

The above photograph is by kind permission of Phillip Groves, Grandson of 48119 Pte George Groves. The photograph was probably taken in February/March 1918. We have identified the numbered offices and men in the photograph as: 1. 48551 Pte Percy Hembry, 2. 48563 Pte Ieuan Phillips M.M., 3. 48098 Pte William Coleman M.M., 4. Capt John Burke, 5. Lt Col J E H Davies, 6. Maj Thomas Moravian Carter, 7. 48579 Sgt Maj Griffith T Davies D.C.M., 8. 48597 Bugler Frank Ward, 9. 48559 L/Cpl Trevor Nicholas M.M., 10. 48124 Sgt Thomas G Hopkins M.M., 11. 48137 Pte Andrew Jenkins, 12 48089 Pte Alfred Ernest Burgess, and 13. 48162 L/Cpl Samuel Maxworthy.

If anyone can identify any of the other men in the photograph, we would be delighted to hear from them.

The photograph below is by kind permission of Carol Princic, Grand Daughter of 48098 Pte William Coleman M.M.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance C section nursing staff
130th (St John) Field Ambulance C section nursing staff

48098 Pte William Coleman M.M. is standing, back row far left and 48554 Pte George H Jickells is standing, back row far right. The Sergeant, sitting, middle row far left is 48072 Sgt John Reeves Davies, 48551 Pte Percy Hembry is seated middle row centre and on the far right of the middle row is 48592 Sgt Thomas C Price. In the front row left is 48154 Pte Thomas George Lippett and on the right is 48196 Pte William George Thomas. We have yet to identify the man standing in the middle at the back and the man sitting in the middle at the front.

If anyone can identify any of the other men in any of these photographs, please do be in contact.