If anyone has any comments regarding this website or the 130th (St John) Field Ambulance or has any information that would assist us in our research we would be delighted to hear from them. We would be especially please to hear from relatives of the officers and men how served in the Unit or collectors who have any items (medals, photographs or papers) relating to the officers and men of the Unit.

Mr David Penman TD. MRCOG david@130thstjohnfieldambulance.co.uk
David Penman is the founder and website author of the 130th (St John) Field Ambulance Research Group. He is a Consultant Gynaecologist working in Kent and in the past has served as a Medical Officer in the Army and before that as a St John Ambulance Surgeon. He is a keen military historian and has spent his free time over the last 6 or more years research this Unit.

Mr Stephen Lyons stephen@130thstjohnfieldambulance.co.uk
Stephen’s wife, Helen, is the granddaughter of 48542 Pte James Cleaves of the 130th. He lives with his wife at Cwmcarn, a stone’s throw from where several of the men of the unit lived. He is an actor and voice-over by profession but has spent many years as an historian and researcher as well. Stephen is the world authority on Gareth Hughes, the first Welsh Film Star and his research into the 130th has been his first foray into the the realms of the 1914-18 war. He has written many articles for the BBC and numerous publications and gives illustrated talks on the 130th to interested groups in South Wales. He also attends commemorative events with his static display.Stephen runs the 130th’s Facebook Page on which he published 100 Years Ago Today posts detailing elements of what members of the unit were doing from 3rd December 1915 to 21st December 1918,You can visit the Facebook Page here.